How the App Works
Widget on Homepage
Kinga displays an easily accessible widget on your iPhone homepage

Widget Opens App
Clicking on the widget opens up the app

Automated Phone Call
Kinga sends you an automated phone call with prompts to remove you from the situation
Emergency Alert
Kinga sends a pre-written text message and your location to your trusted friends
Emergency Dial
Kinga dials an emergency phone contact of your choosing

Get out of the situation without escalation using a disguised widget that will not arouse suspicion.

The disguised widget will appear on your home screen, ensuring instant access!

Make your own choice of who to call/text for help and when.

Our Story
Join the new wave of college student safety.
Kinga is an easy to use safety technology app developed to make people safer without the discomfort of "making a scene." More than 80% of uncomfortable and dangerous situaitons arise from people's closest friends, and the social pressure and bias increases confusion, which worsens the scenario. Using subtle messaging and simple tools, Kinga serves as an essential application for protecting yourself and your friends.
"I liked the app, and the different options that you could choose from based on the on the type of situation."
Notre Dame Student
"The screens are [minimal] and easy to use"
Notre Dame Student
"The app is really smart and beneficial because sometimes a friend isn’t always available to help you get out of a conversation."
SMU Student